Powder-liquid blending system
Designed for an easier loading
Butterfly valve
To control rate of powders fed into the mixing chamber
Vacuum pump with tri-clamp connections
The vacuum generated by the impeller draws the ingredients into the mixing chambers
Complete Solutions
Tri-blender systems are designed to speed up and make more effective the mixing of powders and liquids, while minimizing the air introduced during loading procedures. This avoids waste of time and product, significantly reduces problems associated with pre- and post-mixing operations, such as lumps, foam and overflow.
The Tri-blender is a compact and easily movable system, designed to be quickly installed close to the preparation tank, the height of the hopper facilitates loading, avoiding lifting for the operator.
Principle of Operation
Powder ingredients are poured into the hopper; the pump creates a vacuum to draw them into the mixing chamber. Liquid is fed through a tangential inlet and is simultaneously conveyed into the same chamber. The diffuser tube keeps the two ingredients, liquid and powder, separated until they enter the mixing chamber, where a special filtering net makes the mixture homogeneous.